
Impossibility : Illustration Friday

Well it is a subjective post as far as the reasoning is concerned but that's how I felt about our opposites over years ..... but offcourse it can be vice-versa also....Impossibility is what i conclude !!! I couldn't deal with a single frame so ended up with this small strip...Enjoy !!!


John said...

hahahahahahaa love it!! after being married a couple times I have to agree!! hahahahahaha great work man! I'm a follower now!

Julia Kelly said...

this spot on and you are a smart man!

Dithi said...

Interesting! Should show this to my better(?!?!) half, he would completely love and endorse this! :)

Sónia Cântara said...

Ehehehee! Very clever and funny idea! ;-)

Unknown said...

lovely lighting!!

Rakesh Vanamali said...

Bravo! Isn't this so true?!!

Anonymous said...

think of them as users that you have to design yourself for ;)